Category: Obstetrics

Your Guide to Pregnancy After 35

It’s no secret that many women are waiting longer to begin a family. They want to accomplish some personal goals like completing their graduate degrees or reaching professional milestones. They make the decision to put pregnancy on the back burner, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t serious about wanting a baby. They know it would have been easier to get pregnant in their twenties, however, they recognize that it is still doable. If that describes you, here is your guide to pregnancy after 35.

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Postpartum Care: Tips for Physical and Emotional Recovery

It’s what you have been waiting for. Maybe it’s been years waiting for this wonderful moment to give birth to your child. You are exhilarated, emotional, happy, but also tired. You’ve been through a monumental physical exercise, so your body might be telling you to slow down. How can you do that? Let’s dive into our postpartum care tips for physical and emotional recovery. 

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How Pregnant Women Can Prevent Gestational Diabetes

While a woman is pregnant, she can develop gestational diabetes, a temporary condition causing her blood sugar levels to increase. This can cause problems, and it can harm both the mother and baby. If you are considering pregnancy, learn how pregnant women can prevent gestational diabetes.

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How Pregnancy Affects The Immune System

We might call it an old wives tale, but scientists used to think a woman’s immune system became weaker when she was pregnant. We have learned that is not exactly the case. Sometimes, it can actually get stronger. With this relatively new news let’s review how we now know pregnancy affects the immune system.

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3rd Trimester Prenatal Appointments: What To Expect

You have made it through the 1st and 2nd trimester, and here you are approaching the finish line. Whew! Weeks 28 through 40 may seem like forever, but these are important weeks. Knowing what to expect during this time may ease any anxiety and help you get ready to greet your little one. With all that in mind, let’s look at 3rd trimester prenatal appointments so you know what to expect.

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What To Expect Throughout A High Risk Pregnancy

Being told you have a high risk pregnancy can cause anxiety, but it’s not as frightening as you may first think. In fact, most women make it through their pregnancy with little to no negative complications. That does not mean, however, that you ignore your situation and not follow the recommendations of your doctor. What to expect throughout a high risk pregnancy is a lot of extra care and monitoring to be sure you have a healthy baby.

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The Benefits Of Taking Folic Acid Before And During Pregnancy

The CDC recommends that if you are a woman considering getting pregnant, start taking folic acid. If you just found out you are pregnant, start taking folic acid and continue to take it while you are pregnant. Even if you are a woman of child bearing age, the CDC says you should routinely take folic acid. That makes it pretty clear that the benefits of taking folic acid before and during pregnancy must be immense.

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Symptoms During Pregnancy That Warrant A Conversation with Your Doctor

A woman’s body goes through many changes during the nine months of pregnancy. Some are expected like nausea in the early months, weight gain (of course), and certain crazy cravings. When you notice something unexpected or concerning, don’t ever hesitate to contact Dr. Hyler & Associates. There are certain symptoms during pregnancy that warrant a conversation with your doctor or even a trip to the ER.

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What Questions Should I Ask My Obstetrician About Genetic Testing?

What questions should you ask an obstetrician about genetic testing? The best approach depends on what you really want to know. Every parent-to-be wants to have a healthy beautiful baby, but of course there is always a chance your child will have some abnormality or disorder. The good news is there are prenatal screening tests that will provide you with answers, IF you want to know. Here are some clarifying questions. Continue reading “What Questions Should I Ask My Obstetrician About Genetic Testing?”

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