Author: Dr. Hyler & Associates

Why Are Routine Mammograms So Important?

One of the most important imaging tools physicians have at their disposal is a mammogram. They have become vitally important because they save lives. They are so important we now can get one on a mobile mammography bus. Important enough that it’s women’s healthcare practically coming to your door, but why are routine mammograms so important?

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7 Pregnancy Myths, Debunked

There have always been old wives’ tales about pregnancy and most likely you have heard a few.

Carrying your baby high means you’re having a girl. Carrying low, obviously it must be a boy. Let’s not forget having heartburn, which means your baby will have lots of hair.

These silly predictions are all in good fun, but there are some more serious pregnancy myths. Let’s talk about 7 pregnancy myths, debunked.

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How Your OBGYN Can Help Manage Challenging Menopausal Symptoms

Oh the joys of going through menopause! You know, the night sweats, hot flashes, weight gain, and moodiness. Of course we are kidding, because every woman who has experienced menopause knows it’s no fun. Some women have it easier than others, but regardless of the severity of your symptoms, learn how your gynecologist can help manage challenging menopausal symptoms.

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What To Expect Throughout A High Risk Pregnancy

Being told you have a high risk pregnancy can cause anxiety, but it’s not as frightening as you may first think. In fact, most women make it through their pregnancy with little to no negative complications. That does not mean, however, that you ignore your situation and not follow the recommendations of your doctor. What to expect throughout a high risk pregnancy is a lot of extra care and monitoring to be sure you have a healthy baby.

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