Author: Dr. Hyler & Associates

How To Alleviate First Trimester Nausea Symptoms

There is good news and bad news concerning morning sickness. If you are suffering with it right now, the good news is doctors believe it’s a sign that the placenta is growing normally. The bad news, according to the Cleveland Clinic, is that although 70% of pregnant women get it early in the first trimester, the cause is not totally known. Whatever is causing it, here are some tips for how to alleviate first trimester nausea symptoms.

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Why Are Routine Mammograms So Important?

One of the most important imaging tools physicians have at their disposal is a mammogram. They have become vitally important because they save lives. They are so important we now can get one on a mobile mammography bus. Important enough that it’s women’s healthcare practically coming to your door, but why are routine mammograms so important?

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7 Pregnancy Myths, Debunked

There have always been old wives’ tales about pregnancy and most likely you have heard a few.

Carrying your baby high means you’re having a girl. Carrying low, obviously it must be a boy. Let’s not forget having heartburn, which means your baby will have lots of hair.

These silly predictions are all in good fun, but there are some more serious pregnancy myths. Let’s talk about 7 pregnancy myths, debunked.

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